The Reckless Love of God
When the Mission first began in 1955, it started with a simple goal… to feed, house and share the Gospel with struggling men in our cities. Over the years, the Mission and our ministry has grown and adapted to meet the needs of our cities.
When Jesus came on the scene at the start of His ministry, He was radical. He talked to people that no one else would. He ate with the outcasts. He healed those no one would touch. He spoke truth in the form of deep, meaningful parables. He washed feet and made it known He was there to serve and not be served.
Jesus’ ministry was bold and unconventional. It didn’t look like the vision of what people at the time thought of as ministry. It was out of the box.
As followers of Christ, we model our ministry after His. The message of Jesus NEVER changes but our delivery can. No longer does the Mission only feed and house people. Now, we offer a full scale Life Recovery Program. And part of what that program does is allow us to do life with our guests and sometimes that requires us to get out of the box.
Recently, we had the honor of hosting the Mission’s first wedding. Roger and April came to us engaged and expecting. They knew they wanted to change and become the family God wanted them to be so the Mission hosted a wedding and a baby shower for the couple.
We like to think of our ministry this way: “we’re in the Bible but out of the box.” Whether it’s helping someone get a bus ticket home, baptizing over 15 guests in a swimming pool, sitting hours with our guests in court and advocating on their behalf, helping them get dentures, facilitating healthcare access, assisting our interns in getting a vehicle, working with our guests to get their credentials, helping our guests get licenses reinstated, or even putting an intern who never had a driver’s license through drivers ed.
God’s love knows no bounds. Yes, we still feed and house people but our ministry is so much more. We are more than a shelter and thanks to you, we are changing our cities one life at a time!