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All posts by Sarah Ardis.

It’s More Than A Shelter: David’s Story

It’s More Than A Shelter: David’s Story

David came to the mission looking for security and an opportunity to rebuild his life. He served as a pastor for over forty years; spreading the love of God. The last thirty years he moved…
The Hope that I Never Had: Kim’s Story

The Hope that I Never Had: Kim’s Story

Kim lived most of her childhood neglected, physically abused and in constant state of turmoil. Living from one place to another and never having a safe place to call home. At the age of fifteen…
Something Had to Change: Anthony’s Story

Something Had to Change: Anthony’s Story

Anthony’s divorce hit him hard. For 3 years, he’d been grieving, blaming himself, and drinking to cope with his pain. “I distanced myself from God and would have a drink instead of praying,” he says.…
I just want to Follow Jesus: Eugene’s Story

I just want to Follow Jesus: Eugene’s Story

Throughout his life, Eugene suffered from low self-esteem and felt he had no worth. “It was just lack of self-worth and I didn’t believe in myself. I had a good childhood and then I got…
God Changed My Heart: David’s Story

God Changed My Heart: David’s Story

David’s addiction started at a young age. When he was in 3rd grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability and was placed in special ed classes. David was bullied by his peers and at…