Made New: A Graduation Story
Success comes in many forms at the Mission and we celebrate our guests’ successes at our quarterly Graduation and Celebration. This quarter, we had 4 individuals graduate from our New Beginnings Program: Carla, Jessica, Angela and Joseph. Each successfully completed all requirements of our 12-month long-term program.
In addition to our grads, we celebrated other students who phased up in our program, those with jobs, and those who excelled in vocational training.
Our graduates and our guests have worked diligently to renew and grow in their relationship with Christ, overcome addiction, heal from past trauma and learn necessary skills for living independently once they leave the Mission.
Success at the Mission is as different as each person that walks through our doors. Success looks like sobriety. Success looks like getting up, making your bed, and going to work. Success looks like listening in Chapel and asking for prayer. Success looks like biting your tongue and holding back anger. Success looks like asking for help and opening your heart. Success is finding your purpose and pursuing it.
Our graduates may be the ones wearing a cap and gown but all of our guests continue to make strides in achieving their goals. Each guest is learning that true recovery and restoration is only possible through the healing work of Jesus Christ!
You may wonder what’s next for our graduates. Some are now part of the transition program where they will work to acclimate back into the community, find work and secure housing. Others have felt the call to give back and be a part of our ministry and have joined our Ministry Intern Program.
We celebrate our graduates who sought to change the trajectory of their lives and committed to our program. They have discovered their Jeremiah 29:11 and broken the cycle of homelessness, addiction and poverty. We also give thanks to the brave men and women who made the choice to change their life and join our Life Recovery Program. Congratulations to our Class of 2023 and best wishes to our future grads!