Changing the Way I see Myself: Terrance’s Story
Terrance’s journey didn’t start like many of our guests. He didn’t struggle with drugs or alcohol. Didn’t struggle with traditional addiction. Instead, Terrance struggled with grief.
In 2017, Terrance was living with his grandmother and mother. He was driving with both of them and his younger brother in the car when they got into an accident. His grandmother was killed instantly and his mother died at the hospital later.
For years Terrance carried grief and guilt. He went from being the primary caretaker for his grandmother to all of sudden haven lost his purpose. His life began to stall. He wasn’t moving forward. Terrance found himself stuck in a life of hopeless, grief, and depression. He was able to live on his own for a year but eventually, he moved in with a friend. That friend saw that Terrance needed help and told him about the Mission. He joined the New Beginnings Program and began on a journey of healing.
It was in one of his classes that Terrance had a profound experience and gave his life to the Lord. “In my mind’s eye, I saw both my mom and grandma standing in front of Jesus. At that point, I became less bitter about what happened and less angry at myself. I was able to forgive myself. The Mission has helped me process my grief. If there was no Mission, I would have probably killed myself. ”
Today, Terrance is continuing in his journey and is in Phase 2 of our New Beginnings and will graduate in August 2022. “Coming to the Mission has changed the way I see myself. Without the Mission, I would have probably killed myself. Now, I want to help others.”