The Legacy of Rev. R.G. Jones
Rescue Missions have a long history of serving the hurting and homeless. The very first Rescue Mission was the Glasgow City Mission founded in Scotland in 1826. London City Mission would open in 1835. And in 1872, the first Rescue Mission in America was opened in New York City. Each of these early Missions are still in operation today.
While all Missions are independently run and have their differences, they all have one thing in common… providing hope and healing to the homeless and hurting through the power of Jesus Christ.
In 1955, the Shreveport Rescue Mission opened its doors with a vision from Rev. R.G. Jones of reaching hurting and broken men in Shreveport.
Rev. Jones’ life did not always involve being a follower of Christ. The truth is if there had already been a Mission in the area in the late 1940’s, Rev. Jones probably would have been a guest due to his struggles with alcoholism.
But in the early 1950’s, Rev. Jones was invited to a Gideon rally in Shreveport and that moment changed everything. That night he gave his life to Christ. Rev. Jones quit drinking, went to Bible College, and came back to Shreveport to open the Shreveport Rescue Mission. He had $36 in his pocket and a whole lot of faith!
The Mission started as a place for transient men to eat, rest, and receive Gospel services as they were passing through Shreveport. Today, it has grown to include a full scale Life Recovery Program designed to meet the needs of men, women, and children experencing homelessness. Our program gives our guests the tools they need to find recovery, find life, and find purpose.
While our program has changed from our humble beginnings, our message has remained the same. Jesus never healed anyone with bandaid solutions. He gave them a true everlasting healing that would radically transform their life.
Miracles are happening everyday at the Mission. Lives are being changed. Families are being restored. All through the hope and healing found in Christ!