When Enough was Enough: Terry’s Story
Terry’s story with addiction began when he was 15 years old. “My parents got married and divorced three times to each other. I started working in the bar and restaurant business when I was 15 and developed a habit for drinking beer. I relied on beer more than anything else.” Terry had watched his father struggle with alcohol and working around alcohol only fueled his addiction.
Terry continued to work in the culinary field and found himself constantly surrounded by the temptation of alcohol. He found himself managing multiple restaurants and the stress of the work only made his addiction worse. Over the years, Terry addiction spun out of control. He started losing jobs, getting DUIs, and eventually found himself homeless. Terry came to the Mission for help but pride stood in his way of getting help. After a couple of stays, Terry finally had enough and surrendered. “There were three teenagers that beat me up. And I said, you know, I’m too old for this noise.”
Terry reached out to his former case manager and said “this is enough”.
When Terry arrived at the Mission, he was willing to do anything. But our staff asked him for the first time in his life to be still. During this time, Terry began to find himself and find Jesus. After some time, Terry came to the Mission to work as a full-time staff member in our culinary department.
Today, Terry continues to work in the Mission’s kitchen and has his own place. Prior to the Mission, Terry was deep in his addiction and even contemplated suicide. Since coming to the Mission, Terry is “renewed in his faith and his relationship with God and Jesus.
Months ago, Terry was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer. Our staff knew that God brought Terry here for such a time as this. We walked with Terry through his diagnosis, his treatment and his recovery and we are happy to report that Terry is now happy and healthy. Before the Mission, Terry would have seen this diagnosis as a death sentence and would have drank to cope. Today, he has leaned on his Mission Family and on God and is walking in sobriety and in his Jeremiah 29:11.